Edison Properties Newark Warehouse Office Conversion
Newark, New Jersey
Client | Edison Properties
The project consists of an existing 350,000 SF empty high rise warehouse building in Newark NJ to a Class A Mixed Use Retail/Commercial Office facility. The existing building is a six story masonry building and the interiors including existing MEP systems will be demolished in their entirety. New construction consists of a new 7th floor rooftop amenity deck and will contain a 4,097 SF courtyard swimming pool deck and 6,005 SF amenity space. SEI attended a recent unveiling of Edison's redevelopment plan attended by the Mayor of Newark, NJ and covered by Bloomberg News. For more information on the project and groundbreaking coverage visit
Lakewood Professional Center
Lakewood, New Jersey
Client | Lakewood Equities LLC
Sharpe Engineering Inc is working with Mark Chopp and Lakewood Equities LLC developing a 60,000-square-foot office building at 15 America Avenue and the corner of New Hampshire Avenue. The four story Class A office building, with easy access from either New Hampshire or Cedar Bridge Avenues, is designed as a business and professional center with about 15,000 square feet of space on each floor. More information on the building can be found in the Lakewood Industrial Newsletter at the following link:
Barcode Restaurant
Washington, DC
Client | Division 1 Architects
Sharpe Engineering is working with Division 1 Architects on the renovation of one (1) existing restaurant tenant space located in Washington, DC. The space is presently conditioned by five (5) water cooled heatpump units and one (1) kitchen heating and ventilating unit.
Au Bon Pain
Chicago & Pennsylvania
Client | JL Architects
Sharpe Engineering provided Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing services on the construction of Au Bon Pain commerical spaces.
Victory Brewing Company
Downingtown, Pennsylvania
Client | Sun Power Builders
Sharpe Engineering is working with Sun Power on solar panels and a grid tied inverter for the Victory Brewing Company in Downingtown PA.